Faith in Uncertain Times

During these uncertain time of both the Corona Virus, and the recent presidential election, many of us might be experiencing separation from family and friends. Remember that the most effective way of defeat is attach and conquer. We have strength in numbers! We should not be distinguished by our political opinions. Most of our nation is separated, with two feuding sides. One, being the conservative side, and the other; liberal. Whether or not we agree with the other family at church, or one or the other side of your family, we still need to pray for one another, we must keep faith that God will lead us out of this mess. Remember, “God’s will be done…”

Remember Joseph? His father Israel (Jacob), favored Joseph over his other eleven brothers. To show his appreciation, Israel gave Joseph a robe of many colors. His other brothers were envious and ended up selling him into slavery. (I know you all know the story so I’ll summarize here). After a lot of hardship, Joseph became the second most important man in all of Egypt. With God’s blessing of being able to interpret dreams, he was able to warn Egypt of a famine that was to come in the years to come. The Egyptians were able to stock up food, so the had enough for the famine to come. Once the famine hit, Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt to collect food, and we all know the rest. But my point is that God used something intended for evil, and turned it into something good. It was not the brother’s intent to send Joseph away to become the second most important man in Egypt. But God used that evil intent, and used it for good, so that Egypt would be warned before the famine came. And so that the brothers would be learn their lesson, and the twelve tribes of Israel survive.

I believe that God will bring good, and is bringing good out of these hard and uncertain times. We must put our faith in God, and pray for ours, and other’s salvation. Pray for God’s will to be done, and that good will be brought out of this. And also pray for the clergy of the church who carry the burden of decisions and more. God save us.

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