From the Cannon of St. Andrew

Ode 1 from Monday of the first week of Lent:

Choir: A helper and a protector, He is my salvation He is my God, I will glorify Him. My father’s God. I will exalt Him. For greatly hath He been glorified.

Refrain: Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!

Priest: How shall I begin to mourn the deeds of my wretched life? What can I offer as first fruits of repentance? In Your compassion, O Christ, forgive my sins.

Refrain: Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!

Come, my wretched soul, and confess your sins in the flesh to the Creator of all. From this moment forsake your former foolishness and offer to God tears of repentance.

Refrain: Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!

My transgressions rival those of first created Adam, and because of my sins I find myself naked of God and of His everlasting kingdom.

Refrain: Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!

Alas, my wretched soul, why are you so like Eve? You see evil and are grievously wounded by it; you touch the tree and tasted heedlessly of its deceiving fruit.

Refrain: Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!

Instead of the person Eve, I have within my inward being an “Eve” of passionate thoughts which though seemingly sweet never lose their bitter taste.

Refrain: Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!

For failing to observe just one of Your commandments, O Savour, Adam was justly exiled from Eden. What then shall I suffer for continually ignoring Your words of life?

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O Trinity above all essence and worshiped as One God, take from me the heavy burden of sin, and since You are compassionate grant me tears of repentance.

Now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

O Theotokos, Hope and Protection of those who sing to you, take from me the heavy burden of sin and as one pure Lady accept me as I repent.

After 6th Ode we sing:

Kontakion: “My soul, my soul arise! Why art thou sleeping? The end is at hand, destruction hangeth over thee. Come again to thy senses, that thou mayest be spared by Christ our God, for He is everywhere filling all things.”

A recording similar to the version sung at church:



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